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Education & Training

Personal safety for our students is our highest priority, especially when it comes to protecting children from sexual misconduct and violence.

All Church Personnel are required to complete Safe Environment Training through the VIRTUS program, if they are in contact with children. These measures ensure everyone working with children at schools and parishes can uphold the moral standards set by our Pastoral Code of Conduct. This training must be renewed every five years and must be completed prior to service. All employees are required to complete safe environment training upon hiring regardless of their contact with minors and vulnerable adults.


Below are some of the different training modules offered by VIRTUS at this time:

VIRTUS - Boundaries Awareness: Continuing Aspects of Human Formation for Clergy and Religious™

This module addresses the proper development and implementation of healthy boundaries to equip clergy and religious for the ministry environment.

VIRTUS – Protecting God's Children® Awareness Program 4.0

This module educates adults on how to be better protectors of children from child sexual abuse. Participants will learn how to become safer adults who are a part of the solution to prevent, and respond to, child sexual abuse.

VIRTUS - Vulnerable Adult Training™ 2.0

All Church Personnel who minister to vulnerable adults, including homebound, nursing home residents, hospital patients, or homeless are required to successfully complete vulnerable adult training.

VIRTUS – Empowering God's Children® Program

As part of its effort to protect all children from harm as well as to create safe environments in which children can learn and grow in faith, the Diocese of Palm Beach provides semi- annual safe environment training to all children enrolled in diocesan Catholic schools and parish religious education programs. In age-appropriate lessons, the children learn about God’s love for them; personal space; treating ourselves and others with respect and care; safe and unsafe touches; and how to get help from a trusted adult if needed.

Parents may request that their child(ren) NOT participate in the Empowering God’s Children training by using an "opt out" form which may be obtained by contacting the church or school in which their child is enrolled.

Create a VIRTUS Account

To begin the initial process for a training you must first open a VIRTUS account.

Go to Virtus website:

Detailed Instructions: Directions for Opening a VIRTUS Account (English) l (Spanish)
