Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito joined members of the Diocese of Palm Beach during Catholic Days at the Capitol March 7-9 in Tallahassee. The group included high school students and teachers, seminarians, officials with the diocese and Catholic Charities, and many others.
Each year during the legislative session, Catholics from across Florida gather in Tallahassee to put their faith and civic responsibility into action at Catholic Days at the Capitol. The event offers participants the opportunity to see the legislative process in action. More than 300 Catholics from Florida’s archdiocese and six dioceses participated in the annual event.
On March 7, they shared a breakfast with Florida’s bishops and legislators, and later each delegation took a group photo with their bishop. A highlight of the event is the 48th annual Red Mass of the Holy Spirit, which was concelebrated by Florida’s bishops March 8, to pray for those working in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government.
Participants visited with their respective legislators (Florida House representatives and Florida senators) in individual meetings. Before those meetings, the conference offered a legislative briefing that focused on three bills that could serve as discussion points. Its backgrounders also offer responses to possible objections legislators might raise to explain their opposite stance on a bill. The three bills concerned the death penalty, abortion limits and school choice.
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