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Safe Environments

Victim Assistance

From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The first obligation of the Church with regard to victims is for healing and reconciliation. Dioceses and eparchies continue to reach out to every person who has been a victim of sexual abuse as a minor by anyone in church service, whether that abuse is recent or occurred in the past.

If you suffered abuse, it was not your fault. If you are a victim of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon, or individual representing the Catholic Church, there are several things you can do:

  • Contact the appropriate law enforcement agency, which can help determine options for making a criminal complaint.

  • Contact a local child protection agency, a private attorney, a support group, an abuse hotline, or a mental health professional.

  • Contact the Diocese of Palm Beach Victim Assistance Coordinator, who is an individual designated by the Bishop to be responsible for initial pastoral response and subsequent pastoral care in the name of the Diocese to victims of sexual abuse by church personnel.

If you believe someone is in imminent danger or this is a situation of current abuse involving a minor, please call 911.

To report and an allegation of abuse or mishandling of sexual abuse by a bishop please visit the Catholic Bishops Abuse Reporting Services website.

Victim Assistance Coordinator

Lisa Linnell
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Palm Beach

