The 2024-25 Lumen Christi Schools Appeal, which strives to meet the needs of the three Catholic preschools, 12 elementary schools and three high schools in the Diocese of Palm Beach, has begun under the banner of “Live the Light of Christ.” The theme reflects the Latin words Lumen Christi (Light of Christ) and the duty of the faithful to personify the message of Jesus. All proceeds from the annual appeal are allocated to support and enhance the education of the more than 7,200 students enrolled in local Catholic schools. Donations to the Lumen Christi Schools Appeal are an investment to ensure the continuing relevance and growth of Catholic schools.
Gary Gelo, superintendent of Catholic schools, has seen the effects of the appeal in the diocese and encourages anyone able to help to join the campaign. “All of our Catholic schools are grateful to the many donors who support the Lumen Christi Schools Appeal,” he said. “If you are considering a gift, please know that your generosity is essential to the success of our Catholic schools. Our schools realized more than a 7% increase in enrollment over the last two years, and we continue to grow in the light of Christ in our Catholic schools.”
To learn how to donate to the appeal, visit www.diocesepb.org/lumen-christi/lumen-christi-appeal.html.