PALM BEACH GARDENS | Carol Bal, who has been a Catholic pro-life leader in the West Palm Beach area for many years, received the 2022 Pro-life Person of the Year award from the Diocese of Palm Beach during the annual Florida Culture of Life Conference in Lutz Oct. 14-15, 2022.
In the 1990s, Bal began leading a contemplative prayer group at her parish, Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens. She organized the group to meet every week for 15 years. Her concern for the unborn led her to start praying outside the abortion center on Presidential Way in West Palm Beach.
In 2008, Bal got involved with 40 Days for Life, contacting parishes by phone, letters and bulletin announcements about ways to participate in the movement. She organized life chains twice a year near the cathedral, with pro-lifers holding signs promoting the value of human life and the need to vote pro-life.
If someone in charge of the 40 Days for Life vigil couldn’t fulfill their scheduled time, Bal would take their place to ensure a pro-life presence outside the abortion facility.
“We thank Carol for all her prayers, efforts and time in promoting prayer to save the unborn,” said Deanna Herbst-Hoosac, Respect Life program director for Catholic Charities, who presented the award to Bal following the state conference, which she was unable to attend.
For more information on local pro-life activities, visit https://www.ccdpb.org/programs/respect-life/ or contact Herbst-Hoosac at dherbst@ccdpb.org or 561-360-3330.
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