PALM BEACH GARDENS | The diocesan Office of Marriage, Family Life, Faith Formation and Youth Ministry sponsored its Spring Professional Development Day April 10 for directors of faith formation, youth ministers, and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults leaders and team members at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens.
The presenter was Mark Ginter, who serves dioceses in the southern region of the United States as strategic partnership liaison fellow of the Catechetical Institute of Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. The theme was “Disciple-Making in the Power of the Holy Spirit.”
The day offered a chance to share strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to parish ministry, and find ways to solve the challenges going forward. To learn more about the office’s work, visit www.diocesepb.org/ministriesoffices/ministries/marriage-family-life-faith-formation-youth-ministry/ or connect on Facebook at Diocese of Palm Beach Family Life.
Thanks to a grant from a generous donor, the Diocese of Palm Beach is partnering with Franciscan University to offer free workshops through Franciscan at Home, the university’s online portal, which can be accessed at https://franciscanathome.com/diocese-palm-beach. Franciscan’s Catechetical Institute works with more than 100 dioceses in the United States and around the world to offer workshops for ongoing formation.
There are tracks for catechists, parish catechetical leaders, RCIA teams, youth and youth adult ministers, teachers, clergy and lay ministers, parents, pro-life leaders, music ministers, diocesan officials and others who want to further their understanding of the faith. The workshops are offered in English and Spanish. Currently, there more than 45 workshops in Spanish, including tracks for Certificación Básica Para Catequistas (Basic Catechist Certification) and Especializaciones Ministeriales (Ministry Specializations), with more being developed.
Photo credit: William Cone, Florida Catholic Staff