Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is customary at this time of year to share with you the results of the Administrative Offices of our Diocese of Palm Beach for the fiscal year ended June 30. It is also a perfect time to give thanks to God and to reflect upon the many blessings He has bestowed upon us, and in particular, we are especially thankful having recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of the establishment of our Diocese.
The 2024 Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA) theme was “Give us this day our daily bread” which coincided with the National Eucharistic Revival taking place in the U.S. Catholic Church. Just as the Eucharist sustains us spiritually, the generosity of the faithful sustains our vital ministries and programs for the good of our Church in Palm Beach and our neighbors in need that we serve. I am pleased to report that the steadfast generosity of the faithful combined with the improvement in investment returns has made it possible for us to continue to support the very important and growing needs of our Diocese.
I invite you to review our annual examination of the financial results of the Administrative Offices of the Diocese of Palm Beach for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024. The information contained herein is primarily sourced from the “Report on Audits of Financial Statements,” which was prepared by the independent accounting firm of Templeton & Co., LLP. The actual audit report was thoroughly reviewed by our audit committee and accepted by the Diocesan Finance Council. We have modified the report format to make the information more reader friendly, and we have added information on the results of the 2024 DSA as well as the totals received for various monthly collections throughout the year which provide vital support of specifically designated needs within the global Church.
We regularly report our financial results in a multi-page supplement which is included in the Palm Beach e-Edition of the Florida Catholic. As always, we continue to make available a copy of the actual auditors’ report on our website (www.diocesepb.org). If you have any specific questions or comments regarding any of this financial information, I invite you to contact the Diocesan Finance Office directly. We remain mindful of our sacred obligation for the proper stewardship of these financial gifts and of our continuing pledge of full accountability and financial transparency.
I remain deeply grateful and wish to express my heartfelt thanks for your prayers and support as we continue to work together to support and sustain the mission and ministries of the Diocese of Palm Beach. May God bless you and watch over you throughout this Jubilee Year of Hope.
With every prayerful wish, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito
Bishop of Palm Beach