Parishioners in the Diocese of Palm Beach who desire to make a Jubilee 2025 pilgrimage to the holy doors at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, 9999 N. Military Trail in Palm Beach Gardens, are advised to come during office hours, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., or to a regularly scheduled weekend Mass. Individuals or groups hoping to visit outside of normal hours of operation are invited to contact Ashlie O’Brien, the cathedral’s director of communications and liturgy, at 561-622-2565 or aobrien@cathedralpb.com. Parish groups that would like to celebrate a pilgrimage Mass with their priest need to contact O’Brien and Mark Aitken, director of operations and maintenance, at 561-622-2565 or maitken@cathedralpb.com.