JUPITER | The warm temperatures Jan. 18, 2025, fit the “It’s a Sailabration” theme perfectly at the Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s 30th annual Inspirations fashion show and luncheon fundraiser at The Club at Admirals Cove near the Intracoastal Waterway.
“Thank you for being with us today, and I am delighted to welcome aboard all of you who have dropped anchor here at this beautiful venue,” said Dorothy Harper, diocesan council president and emcee. “Today is a sailabration. We have set a course to the world of fun, friendship, fashion, good food and chances to win lots of great prizes. … Your generosity today helps to fund our council enrichment grant program that is part our mission to support, educate and empower all Catholic women in the areas of spirituality, leadership and service.”
Expressing the importance of the Council of Catholic Women, Harper said, “Now more than ever, we must make raising up strong, faith-filled and compassionate women leaders a top priority. All of our programs affirm the dignity and true identity of every woman as a beloved daughter of God, of which you all are.”
On membership in the council, Anne Immesberger, council treasurer at Holy Family in Port St. Lucie, said, “The Council of Catholic Women is extremely important for the life of a parish, for the life of the church, and women basically are the backbone of the laity. It is a great vehicle for us to serve and to learn about our faith.”
The fashion show and luncheon helps fund the diocesan council’s programs and other corporal works of mercy. Harper introduced Rose Meyerowich, fashion coordinator, to those attending the event.
Meyerowich gave a description of each outfit being modeled and the name of each store where the items can be purchased. Every year, there are lovely models displaying the stores’ clothes, but this year there was a joyful addition, a man modeling a tuxedo and other suits. The women laughed every time he walked the runway, which made for a fun-filled afternoon.
Stores that participated in the luncheon fashion show were: Juno Shoe Girl, Hobe Sound; Coton Frais, Jupiter; Blessed Boutique, Palm Beach Gardens; Voyage Boutique, Delray Beach; Tux Shop, Palm Beach Gardens; Dena Lyons, Boca Raton; The Dress Collection, Jupiter; Bling and Things, Delray Beach; Wish and Shoes, Jupiter; Mario Pucci, Boca Raton; Alfredo Barraza Boutique, Jupiter; Envy of Palm Beach, Tequesta; Vétu, Stuart; and Nina Raynor, Delray Beach.
For more information on the Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, visit pbdccw.org or email pbdccw@gmail.com. To contact Rose Meyerowich, fashion coordinator, call 561-746-8166 or 561-222-4868.