Smiles, hugs and a few tears were the order of the day Aug. 9, 2023, as Catholic schools in the Diocese of Palm Beach opened their doors for 2023-24. More than 7,200 students began the year with high expectations at three preschools, 12 elementary schools and three high schools operated by the diocese. Gary Gelo, diocesan superintendent of schools, said he is looking forward to another stellar year.
“As we begin the 2023-24 school year, we are blessed to have school pastors, administrators, teachers and staff across the diocese committed to providing a faith-filled educational environment for our students and their families,” he said. “Our diocesan theme for all of our schools this year is ‘Faith Illuminating Knowledge,’ and it represents for us the importance of learning through the lens of our Catholic faith and Gospel values.”
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Our Catholic schools
The following are Catholic schools in the Diocese of Palm Beach. For more information, visit the Diocese of Palm Beach schools website at www.diocesepbschools.org
All Saints Catholic School, 1759 Indian Creek Parkway, Jupiter; 561-748-8994; www.allsaintsjupiter.org.
Cardinal Newman High School, 512 Spencer Drive, West Palm Beach; 561-683-6266; https://cardinalnewman.com
Holy Cross Preschool & Center, 930 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach; 561-366-8026; https://holycrosscpc.org
Rosarian Academy*, 807 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach; 561-832-5131; https://rosarian.org
Sacred Heart School, 410 N. M St., Lake Worth; 561-582-2242; www.sacredheartschoollakeworth.com
St. Ann Catholic School, 324 N. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach; 561-832-3676; https://stannwpb.org
St. Clare Catholic School, 821 Prosperity Farms Road, North Palm Beach; 561-622-7171; www.stclareschool.com
St. Joan of Arc School, 501 S.W. Third Ave., Boca Raton; 561-392-7974; https://stjoan.org/wp/school
St. John Paul II Academy, 4001 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton; 561-314-2100; https://www.sjpii.net
St. Jude Catholic School, 21689 Toledo Road, Boca Raton; 561-392-9160; www.saintjudeschool.org
St. Juliana Catholic School, 4355 S. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach; 561-655-1922; www.saintjuliana.org
St. Luke Catholic School, 2892 S. Congress Ave., Palm Springs; 561-965-8190; https://stlukepalmsprings.org
St. Thomas More Academy, 10935 S. Military Trail, Boynton Beach; 561-737-3770; www.stmbbacademy.org
St. Vincent Ferrer School, 801 George Bush Blvd., Delray Beach; 561-278-3868; www.stvfschool.org
Hope Rural School*, 15929 S.W. 150th St., Indiantown; 772-597-2203; www.hoperuralschool.org
St. Joseph Catholic School, 1200 E. 10th St., Stuart; 772-287-6975; https://sjcschargers.com
St. Anastasia School, 401 S. 33rd St., Fort Pierce; 772-461-2232; www.saintanastasiaschool.org
John Carroll High School, 3402 Delaware Ave., Fort Pierce; 772-464-5200; www.johncarrollhigh.com
Ryan Center for Young Children, 2330 S.E. Mariposa Ave., Port St. Lucie; 772-335-2385; http://www.holyfamilyccpsl.com/ryan-center-for-young-children-ministry.html
St. Helen Catholic School, 2025 20th Ave., Vero Beach; 772-567-5457; https://sthelenschoolvero.org
* Private schools operating in the diocese.