WEST PALM BEACH | Whether it’s through fundraisers, gatherings, meetings, beach cleanups, newsletters or other means to connect, alumni of Diocese of Palm Beach Catholic schools show how they feel strongly about leaving a legacy of support and encouragement for students who follow them.
According to John Clarke, assistant superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Palm Beach, alumni associations and its members demonstrate their love for their schools and the education they received by supporting and encouraging students of their alma maters. That translates to a better education for the approximately 6,000 students who currently attend the 20 Catholic schools throughout the diocese. Clarke said many diocesan schools are blessed by active alumni association groups with enthusiastic and supportive alumni membership.
“Alumni help with fundraising, development, teaching and advising students on careers,” Clarke said. “Both Cardinal Newman and St. John Paul II Academy recently celebrated milestone anniversaries, with Cardinal Newman celebrating 60 years and St. John Paul II Academy at 40. Hope Rural School also celebrated its 40th anniversary, and schools like Sacred Heart and St. Ann have very active alumni bases.”