Nearly 90 years ago a young nun named Sister Faustina was immersed in prayer at her convent in Poland. According to her personal diary, our Lord appeared to her in a unique way by showing streams of blood and water flowing from his heart, similar to what we read in the crucifixion account in St. John’s Gospel. The rays of blue waters signify the cleansing power of his sacrifice, the free gift of God’s Divine Mercy that we first receive in the waters of Baptism. The rays of blood is his life given in sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, the gift we receive in Holy Communion. This theme of God’s mercy is highlighted not only in Sister Faustina’s diary but in today’s Gospel account of the Risen Christ appearing to his disciples who were in great need of forgiveness themselves. On this second Sunday of Easter we reflect upon the gift of God’s mercy flowing from the heart of His Risen Son.