Encounter Ministries of South Florida
The Summer Intensive Evening School provides a survey of content offered in the first four quarters of the Encounter School of Ministry over a fast four-day period. It's perfect for anyone desiring to attend the Encounter School during the year but unable to do so due to distance or schedule. It is also ideal for those discerning their enrollment in the school but needing further discernment.
Schedule (6-9pm each night)
Monday, July 19 Identity & Transformation
Our foundation is knowing the royal identity we receive as sons and daughters of God who have received an inheritance to do the works of Jesus and even greater works (Jn 14:12).
Tuesday, July 20 Power & Healing
Jesus called his disciples to preach the Gospel and expected them to heal the sick (Mt 10:7-8; Luke 10:9).
Wednesday, July 21 Hearing God & Prophetic Gifts
Jesus taught us that He is the good shepherd and we are his sheep and that we hear his voice (Jn 10:4).
Thursday, July 22 Inner Healing & Freedom
God has revealed himself as the Lord who “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Ps 147:3).
*VIRTUAL OPTION AVAILABLE* To Register CLICK HERE -> -> https://encountersoflo.regfox.com/encounter-summer-intensive-palm-beach-fl
Masks and social distancing required
If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, if you have an underlying medical condition, or are otherwise immunocompromised in any way, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND IN PERSON. For the CDC’s full list of COVID-19 symptoms and those considered to be at increased risk, CLICK HERE.
**EARLY BIRD ENDS April 30th | Registration Closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 14, 2021**